Equality Statements

Equality & Diversity Policy

1 Scope

This policy applies to employees of Spectrum Academy including all trading Divisions. The policy is a company requirement policy and is in line with the Equality Act 2010.

Everyone has a duty, both morally and legally, not to discriminate regardless of religious or political affiliation, sex, sexual orientation, martial status, age, disability, race, creed, colour, ethnic or national origin and all employees are expected to support this commitment and to assist in its realisation in all possible ways.

2 Introduction

Spectrum Academy regards the proper application of its policy of diversity and equality as a cornerstone of its employment policy and is committed to the promotion of equal opportunities and to ensure that the human resources talents and skills of all employees are maximised.

Spectrum Academy will continue to operate fair and equitable methods and procedures to ensure that all its employees and prospective employees are treated fairly and are not subjected to unfair discrimination.

The protected characteristics covered within this policy are as follows:

  • Age
  • Disability
  • Gender reassignment
  • Marriage and civil partnership
  • Pregnancy and maternity
  • Race
  • Religion or belief
  • Sex
  • Sexual orientation

The commitment applies to all aspects of employment, including:

  • Recruitment and selection, including advertisements, job descriptions, interview and selection procedures
  • Training and development
  • Promotion and career development opportunities
  • Terms and conditions of employment
  • Access to employment related benefits and facilities
  • Grievance handling and the application of disciplinary procedures
  • Selection for redundancy

3 The Working Environment

The company will seek to create an environment in which all employees feel comfortable regardless of race, gender, language, disability, age or sexual orientation.
Employers can be liable for discriminatory acts committed by their employees, where they have failed to take all reasonably practicable steps to prevent discrimination. Liability will accrue regardless of whether the employer knew or approved of the discriminatory action.
Each Director will be responsible for ensuring that all aspects of the policy are observed within all the functions and services under his/her responsibility.
The Group Human Resources Manager will assist and advise Directors on relevant aspects and provide training where necessary.

4 Managing Diversity

Managing equality of opportunity within the company ensures that all employees are treated fairly and given equal opportunity to fulfil their potential and ensures that employment progression/promotion is unhindered by prejudice and stereotypical views.
The basic concept of diversity accepts that the workforce contains a diverse section of the population. Diversity consists of the visible and non-visible – whether in age, gender, ethnicity, background etc.

5 Recruitment and Selection

The company will ensure that all advertisements for jobs reflect the company’s stance on equal opportunities.

6 Equality for Lesbian Women and Gay Men

The company will endeavour to create an environment where lesbian women and gay men are free from harassment and feel confident of equal treatment and support if they choose to be open about their sexuality.
The company defines the word ‘partner’ to include same sex partners.

7 Age Equality

Age discrimination in employment occurs as a result of prejudice, misconception and stereotyping which hinders the proper consideration of an individual’s talents, skills, abilities, potential and experience.
Age guidelines and age related criteria should not be used to exclude particular age groups.

8 Gender Equality

The Sex Discrimination and Equal Pay Acts make discrimination unlawful on the basis of gender.
The Company confirms that its employment practices must be geared to the needs of both men and women.
The company will treat seriously all allegations and will not tolerate unlawful discrimination or harassment of any kind in the working environment and will take positive action to prevent its occurrence.
If an employee wishes to make a formal complaint, he or she should use the company’s grievance procedure.


Gender Pay Gap Statement

On the snapshot date of 5th April 2018 we had 358 employees of which 111 were female and 247 were males.

Mean Pay Gap

The mean gender pay gap between male and female employees is 18.2%.

Median Pay Gap

The Median gender pay gap between male and females employees is 18.2%.

Mean Bonus Pay Gap

Males 405%, Females 450%. Therefore there is little gender pay gap in the Bonus area.


The Overall Quartile

Male 69%, Female 31%


In the lower quartile the majority of employees are female mainly due to the acquisition of a manufacturing company with predominantly female employees.  Appropriate adjustments to salaries for these employees have been made in 2018 and will continue in 2019.
In the upper mid quartile the majority of employees are made up of male field based engineers who are required to attend on call rotas.  Engineers receive an on call allowance and receive on call payment when called out.  Therefore, during the snap shot date the calculation has included the on call payments as per the requirement of the Gender Pay Gap reporting procedure.
In the upper quartile we continue to address female employees in this area by way of training, developing and coaching to move into middle and senior management positions.
Stuart Meldrum
Chief Executive Officer

Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

This statement is made pursuant to the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes the company’s slavery and human trafficking statement.

The statement sets down the Company’s commitment maintaining the highest ethical standards, preventing slavery and human trafficking in our business activities and the steps we have put in place with the aim of ensuring that there is no slavery or human trafficking in our business or our supply chains.

The Company believes we all have a duty to be alert to the risks, however small. Staff members are expected to report their concerns and management to act upon them.

Organisational Structure

This statement covers the business activities of Spectrum Academy which are as follows:

We are based in and operating solely in the UK.

We are providers of specialist equipment for the safer moving and handling of mobility disadvantaged clients in a range of care environments and in the community.

The company head office is based in Wakefield with regional premises throughout the UK.

Supply Chain

Our supply chain comprises the engagement of subcontractor organisations to carry out works and services on our sites and the sourcing of materials and manufactured products.

All our standard supplier contracts contain an anti-slavery clause. This clause prohibits suppliers and their employees from engaging in slavery or human trafficking.

We have a zero tolerance to slavery and human trafficking and we expect all those in our supply chain and contractors to comply with our values.

Due Diligence Processes to manage risks of Slavery and Human Trafficking

The Company’s due diligence process to identify and mitigate risk includes the following:

  • Where possible we build long standing relationships with our suppliers and subcontractors and make clear our expectations of business behaviour.
  • The Company undertakes due diligence when considering taking on new suppliers and regularly reviews its existing suppliers.
  • We have in place systems and policies to encourage the reporting of concerns and the protection of whistle blowers
  • We invoke sanctions against any suppliers that fail to improve their performance in line with any action plan provided by us, including the termination of the business relationship.
  • Disciplinary processes will be evoked against our employees where this policy is breached.


To ensure a good understanding of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our business and supply chain, the Company communicates the policy to staff for their awareness via HR communications.

Key individuals interfacing directly with our suppliers are fully briefed on this policy and how to recognise the potential risks of slavery and human trafficking.


Responsibility for the Company’s Anti-slavery policy sits with the Chief Executive Officer.
Signed on Behalf of Spectrum Academy

Neil Duffy
Chief Financial Officer
January 2018